I love to bake. So for Christmas I normally bake goodies for gifts. This Christmas was no different. I was making goodies for our neighbors. We weren’t really close. They tended to keep to themselves and I respected that. But were friendly though and they were good neighbors, so they got baked goods for Christmas. I fixed a special kind of Puppy Chow Chex Mix. Its my own special recipe because I don’t really like a lot of chocolate. But I digress, I was making big batches of this to give away for Christmas gifts.

I made a big batch and divided it up and got it ready to give away. Apparently my kids and Nick had different ideas. We ended up watching Polar Express and eating my White Trash Chex Mix. So I ended up making a second batch the next day. It was this day that I found out Cannon was tall enough to get stuff off the countertop. I found him covered in powdered sugar stuffing his face. So I couldn’t give that batch away either. I made my third big batch of the Chex mix. The third batch “somehow” ended up missing. I honestly don’t know what happened to it. I don’t know if the kids hide it somewhere, it went to work with Nick, it got eaten when friends came over. I just don’t know . But I do know that I wasn’t making any more.

I went to the grocery store and bought Chips Ahoy cookies. I was done cooking and took the lazy way out. I admit it. But I brought them home and put them away. High enough in the pantry that the kids could not reach it. I told Nick that the pack of cookies was for the neighbors and to not bother them. Later that evening, I wrote a note explaining why they were getting store-bought cookies, grabbed the bag of cookies and put them in a pretty Christmas bag. I walked them over to the neighbor’s house and left them at the door because they weren’t home. I also included a note explaining that my baked goods kept getting eaten so it had taken me a while to get them.

The next day Nick walks into the kitchen. He turns around with a bewildered expression on his face. He asks “Where are the cookies?” I thought that he was kidding me. I had told him they were for the neighbors and I had delivered them last night. He laughs and says “no you didn’t”. He laughs some more and then asked me if I really did. I told him I had. I reminded him that I told him I was and that was why I had hidden them in the pantry so they wouldn’t be bothered. By now his face had dropped. I asked him what was the matter. He starts laughing and said “I’ve eaten some of those cookies that you just gave away”. Apparently he didn’t understand my explicit directions and ate some of them.

I told him that he had to go to the neighbors the next day and explain why I had given them a half eaten bag of cookies. Luckily, the neighbors were very understanding. In fact, they told us that they thought it was a joke considering I had included a not saying the kids kept eating the cookies. They also said that they had already eaten some of the cookies and it totally didn’t bother them. I now make sure and put a bow on all baked goods that I plan to give away as soon as they are cool enough. That I way it’s very OBVIOUS if any has been eaten.