We had a very interesting bus experience the other day. Zoey rides the special education bus to school.  All preschoolers ride it but then again Zoey is considered special education until we catch up from our developmental delays. Being born so early meant that she had (and has) to catch up on a lot of things. And she is doing amazing. She has caught up so much but we still have some more work to do. With all of that being said, Zoey rides the “short bus” to school.

Zoey loves the bus. Absolutely loves riding the bus to school. She loves the driver and the aide. It is honestly like a field trip for her every day. Everyday when the bus delivers Zoey to the house, she yells “Its the Mommy” (Yes, it drops her at our door. We are spoiled by this. Its awesome). However this day I didn’t hear anything. I walk to the door to pick up her up and the driver said “we are having a discussion”. This means that Zoey has done something wrong and they were talking to her about it. I know this because last time we had almost the exact same chain of events was when Zoey chewed her finger off.

I looked at the bus driver and she said that they were having a discussion with Zoey. I said “Uh oh, what about?” I have no delusions that my children will do things wrong. They need to do wrong to learn. They need to be disciplined (in the appropriate way). They need to be molded and taught how to be awesome people. So I just wanted to know what I needed to address with Zoey. Was she spitting on people, was she hitting, was she talking back? All of this I was (sorta)expecting in a way because of her age. I was not expecting what she said, “Zoey was licking the window.” I was floored and without even thinking about it, I said “My child is the short bus window licker?” I knew some mother had that pleasure but I didn’t realize that my child would be the short bus window licker.

The bus driver wasn’t expecting me to say that. I  wasn’t expecting to say it either. We both chuckled because, seriously, everyone has heard the childish jokes. We recovered quickly and talked with Zoey about why that was gross and she didn’t need to do that anymore. Luckily we haven’t had anymore issues with the bus window but our glass door is another issue.

**I need to end this by saying we are trying to not take life too seriously. I’m sorry if this offended you. I said this about my own child for being so weird. I would never say this about someone else’s child. And by the same token, if you say this about my child there is a strong possibility that I will Spartan kick you.


4 Replies to “Bus Adventures- When your child becomes the punch line for horrible jokes.”

  1. I Love you!! Lol! Just like my child told a girl he as gonna stab her in the neck with a fork! It wasn’t his ADHD it was his momma language 🤷🏾‍♀️! 😘

    1. Oh I know this is my future. Mine will probably say “hide your crazy”. The old saying “I opened my mouth and my mother came out”. Well she’s going to open her mouth and I will hear myself.

  2. I love your stories. You take a refreshing and realistic approach to parenting a child with special needs.

    1. Thank you. I sometimes feel like we as special needs parents lose our sense of humor sometimes. I try and keep that in mind when dealing with all of these story moments.

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