For my birthday this year I got a little under a foot of snow. I know this is amazing for some people but not me. I don’t do snow. I can’t drive in it. I’m cold enough without it. I just don’t do snow. So we are on day 3 in the house. That’s 3 days with a 3 and 4 year old that can’t get outside. So as seeing that we HAD to be home anyway we are potty training. I started potty training Zoey initially when she was 2. I mean that’s what all the pinterest posts and books say. Start when they are 2. Seriously, I wanted to pull my hair out. Zoey was terrified of the toilet. She still is of the industrial ones that are in all malls. But no, potty training wasn’t happening. I have tried periodically with both of my children. Nope, neither one of them cared one bit. But I’m ready. They are ready. And quite honestly, I’m tired of buying diapers. Those things are expensive.

So right now, my living room is covered with beach blankets. It looks like some cheap beach cabana overlooking the snow. We are a hot mess. My bathroom has 2 training potties to make sure we can accommodate both kids. And I’m happy to say that we are 2 days strong with no accidents. I’m so stupid excited about this. Now comes the hard part. We have to reintroduce pants. HaHaHa. My kids haven’t worn pants in days. So tomorrow we will be wearing pants again and pray for no accidents. Seriously, I hate buying diapers.

2 Replies to “Snowmageddon and Potty Training”

    1. Thank you. They are actually doing really well. I’m so thankful. We have been able to go through the day with one pair of undies. We will actually put pants on them tomorrow, that will be the big test. And I’m so over snow but with highs tomorrow in the 20s it isn’t going anywhere.

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