During Nick’s first year in service we decided to attend the Maintenance Professional  of the Year banquet. Nick was lucky enough to be assigned a special job for the banquet. I think he was just in the right place at the right time. We have always been the kind that would participate in functions. We felt that we can have fun at pretty much anything and as long as you plan to have fun, you normally do.

So this day we were bringing the cannon to the function. Yes. You read that correctly. We brought a cannon. It was a miniature that only shot blanks but a real cannon. I just laughed because only my husbands career field would do this. And to be honest, I thought it was awesome. I was getting ready to go. Those crucial last minute touches before you go meet everyone that your husband works with. Nick had said he was going to cleanout the car. A few minutes later a hear a loud “Boom”. Louder than a gun and definitely not a plane. Less than a minute later I hear Nick run into the house. He turns the corner looks at me and says “I set off the cannon and the neighbors are trying to figure out what happened. We have to go”. Sure enough as we quickly get in the car and leave, neighbors are out looking around trying to figure out what had exploded. Since we lived on base, I wasn’t surprised to see security forces in our neighborhood on our trip out. Nick was never given cannon duty again.