Coming off pain medicine after a surgery is hard. Everything was hard after Zoey’s birth. But Nick and I did what we do best. We focused on what was important and started working towards that goal. At this point in time it was getting healthy to so I could be with Zoey. However, I was still recovering. I didn’t want to eat or drink. All I wanted to sleep and still be pregnant with Zoey. One of those wasn’t going to happen so I slept. Nick was the one awake and alert when all of the drs and specialist came to visit. He was such a trooper that when the lactation consultant came to teach me how to use the machine and told us that it was crucial to get Zoey some milk, Nick learned how to work the machine and figured out exactly what I needed to do. He woke me up when it was time to eat, time to pump, or any dr came that he knew I would want to talk to came by. He totally and completely stepped up during that time.

Zoey’s first day of life I woke and was determined that I was going to see her.  So I went about doing everything that I had to do in order to be released. One of those things was being able to walk to the bathroom unassisted. Seriously, how hard could that be? Ridiculously hard. Like broke a sweat and had to take a break hard. How can it be that hard? I also had to start pumping. Zoey needed that milk. It was during one of these episodes that made me realize I was getting my sass back. I had just finished pumping. Literally the machine was still in my hands, so I was completely exposed topside. I hear the door to my room open. Hands full I can’t cover myself and, honestly, figured it was my nurse coming back. Umm, no. It was an intern. He walked in. His eyes immediately dropped and he said “Oh you’re pumping, that’s what the curtain is for.” And I immediately respond “Yeah, and that’s what knocking is for”. I give him a very pointed stare as I awkwardly store my milk and cover myself up. He at least had the good sense to look away and blush. I don’t even remember what he came for but do remember that he never came back.