My second visit to the NICU I was a little more prepared for what was coming. I was able to brace myself for the entry routine. I was prepared for the dramatic light change. I was prepared to see my daughter. What I wasn’t prepared for was to walk in and see her equipped with her own NICU tanning bed and baby sunglasses. Oh My God…they were going to bake her with all of that light on her. I guess this thought showed all over my face because by the time Nick rolled me to her isolete the nurse was already there explaining to me what was going on. Apparently her bilirubin numbers were low. I didn’t know what this meant. It sounded catastrophic. I mean seriously, who was Billy and why was he messing with Zoey? I swear I’m smart but mommy brain and pain meds will get you every time. I even think that I asked who Billy was. Geez, I think back and realize I must have been super entertaining for the nurses. Apparently she had jaundice. Well now that I’ve heard of before. Ok so we established it was not fatal. But seriously, the lamps were going to cook her. After being assured they weren’t, I was able to calm down a little bit. Bare in mind, Nick was watching this whole conversation unfold trying to hold back his laughter. He knew what was going on since he was able to visit more than I was. I was still very limited with my recovery. But no, he didn’t warn me. I go in all ignorant to what looks like my daughter in a tanning bed. So yeah, I was that stupid momma. When I look in on Zoey and start talking to her I see that one of the nurses had made her bilirubin shades fashionable. They had drawn eyes with long lashes on there for my princess. I started talking to her and she reacted. Oh yeah, my baby loves me. Nick decides to open the portals on the other side so he can also talk to her. He says her name and she immediately tried to move in his direction. Um excuse me. I’m your momma. I’m the one that carried you (obviously not long enough). I’m the one that provides your food. I am your momma. But no, immediately (and still does) gravitates to her daddy.