Yesterday was my surgery. It was a huge day. I am normally very nervous about surgery. I mean, who wouldn’t be. You are about to be cut open and your insides messed with. Yep, that sounds like the best Saturday ever! No, nervousness is to be expected.

I , however, felt peace yesterday. I have hated my thighs for decades. They were honestly the area of my body that I loathed. No amount of exercise I had done or products I had bought had ever made a difference. I had THUNDER THIGHS and I hated them. And I was getting them taken care of. I felt good.

The week up to the surgery I was a hot mess. Daily “to do” lists were made. I was trying to squeeze more into everyday than I normally do in a week. Deep scrub the bathroom. Wash all of the clothes. Organize two weeks worth of outfits for my children. Make sure there was enough food for them. I was driving myself and everyone else insane. Then I realized I was causing more of a problem than actually helping. I washed the clothes, scrubbed the bathrooms, and made sure there was food. I let my children’s school know they may be a little “off” because I was having surgery. I gave them permission to hug my kids if they needed since I might not be able to give them as many as before. I also warned the teachers that they may look like hobos because they were rocking “daddy fashion” this week.

Can I just say their daddy rocks?! He is always so supportive of me and my dreams. He was all for me having this surgery. He helped up to the surgery. He played nurse after the surgery. He even played bouncer when the kids tried to crawl in bed with me. I could not have done this without him. He is absolutely a blessing to me. And he brought a huge smile to my face when he volunteered to take the kids to Walmart by himself if we needed anything. Anyone who has ever seen my children in a store understands why I smile at this.

So yesterday I woke up taught my classes online like normal. I got Zoey on the bus and off to school. We loaded Cannon into the car and off we went, like it was a normal day. We arrived at the appointment 2 minutes late. I know, I know. You can’t be late to these things but we were. Cannon searched for fish in the empty tank. Nick was exhausted and just looked at the couch in the waiting room with envy. I was too excited to stay still for long.

Once I was called back, the nurse put in the IV. To me, this was the worst part yesterday. I have deep, rolling veins so IVs are never fun. Once it was place it was just sit and relax until they rolled me back. For anyone that has spent 5 minutes with me you know this turned into story time. I spent the next hour and a half answering routine questions about the procedure and telling stories with the nurses. The doctor finally came in for a few last minute talks. The anesthesiologist gave me some happy medicine in my IV and we started rolling down the hallway to surgery. To the goodbye of my thighs. No, I wasn’t nervous. I was excited!

One Reply to “Thighplasty”

  1. I can’t wait to hear more! Good for you. I’ve never known anyone who has had this surgery – or at least been open about it!

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